Letters For Palestine
If you believe that this website helping people to write emails (letters) to Politicians is of value, you are invited to contribute to help in it's Development, Maintenance and Promotion.
Please be aware of your personal circumstances and only contribute an amount that you can afford.
Our suggestion is that it should never be more than the price of a "cup of coffee" in the country you live in per month. In New Zealand, that would be approximately NZ$4.50 per month.
Or if you can afford it, maybe the "cost of a cup of coffee and a cake".
Any contribution would be welcomed and ease our ability to continually improve and promote this website.
Key Developments to be done:
Contributions can be made to:
ASB Bank Account, New Zealand
Via Paypal to:
The Paypal Process
Kind regards
The Team at Letters For Palestine
Please be aware of your personal circumstances and only contribute an amount that you can afford.
Our suggestion is that it should never be more than the price of a "cup of coffee" in the country you live in per month. In New Zealand, that would be approximately NZ$4.50 per month.
Or if you can afford it, maybe the "cost of a cup of coffee and a cake".
Any contribution would be welcomed and ease our ability to continually improve and promote this website.
Key Developments to be done:
- The ongoing issue list to be completed
- The contact list
- Automating the insertion of the country and politicians name into the email
Contributions can be made to:
ASB Bank Account, New Zealand
- 12-3011-0605519-01
Via Paypal to:
The Paypal Process
- Log into your Paypal account at "www.paypal.com"
- Click on the “Money” option beside “Summary” in the top left hand corner of the screen
- Click on “Send or Request Payments”
- Click on “Send to Friends or Family”
- Enter [email protected]
- Click “Next”
- Enter the “amount” you want to contribute and choose the “Currency”
- Type in a “Note” if you want to
- Click “Continue”
- Paypal will confirm how much you are contributing and any fees associated with it
- Click “Send Payment Now” Button
- Paypal will confirm your payment.
Kind regards
The Team at Letters For Palestine